Faculty and Staff Directory


Outlaw Headshot

Debbie Outlaw | Accounting Clerk

HUMB 240
(251) 460-6146


Ash Headshot

Shawn Ash | Secretary

HUMB 240
(251) 460-6146



Amare Headshot

Nicole Amare | Professor  PUBLICATIONS

Specializes in professional communication and rhetoric and composition, with interests in gender studies and late American literature.

HUMB 252  |  460-7157  |  namare@cceweb.net

Arras Headshot

Jenny Arras | Instructor and CompPAL Coordinator

Teaches composition and literature surveys.

HUMB 255  |  460-6936  |  jarras@cceweb.net

Barnett Headshot

Carson Barnett | Instructor

Teaches composition and literature surveys.

HUMB 261  |  460-6624  |  carsonbarnett@cceweb.net

Beason Headshot

Larry Beason | Professor  PUBLICATIONS

Specializes in rhetorical analysis, composition pedagogy, grammar, and science fiction.

HUMB 274  |  460-7861  |  lbeason@cceweb.net

Cesarini Headshot

Pat Cesarini | Associate Professor  PUBLICATIONS

Assistant to the Chair. Specializes in American literature from the colonial period to 1900.

HUMB 250  |  460-7835  |  pcesarini@cceweb.net

Coleman Headshot

Robert Coleman | Associate Professor  PUBLICATIONS

Assistant Dean of Arts & Sciences. Specializes in digital humanities, U. S. literatures, literary aesthetics, and rhetorics. Editor of Studies in American Culture.

HUMB 118  |  460-6280  |  rcoleman@cceweb.net

Cowley Headshot

Chris Cowley | Senior Instructor

Teaches composition and literature surveys.

HUMB 248  |  460-7057  |  cmcowley@cceweb.net

Dail Headshot

Heather Dail | Senior Instructor

Teaches composition and literature surveys.

HUMB 258  |  460-6743  |  hdail@cceweb.net

Davis Headshot

Zachary Davis | Instructor

Teaches composition and literature surveys.

HUMB 275  |  460-7968  |  zdavis@cceweb.net

Frye Headshot

Doris Frye | Senior Instructor

Teaches composition and literature surveys.

HUMB 260  |  460-7329  dfrye@cceweb.net

Gibson Headshot

Dylan Gibson | Instructor

Teaches composition and literature surveys.

HUMB 251  |  460-7960  |  dylangibson@cceweb.net

Guzy Headshot

Annmarie Guzy | Associate Professor  PUBLICATIONS

Specializes in composition pedagogy, professional communication, and honors education, with interests in genre literature and film.

HUMB 271  |  460-6745  |  aguzy@cceweb.net

Halbrooks Headshot

John Halbrooks | Associate Professor  PUBLICATIONS

Graduate Coordinator. Specializes in medieval and Renaissance literature.

HUMB 269  |  460-7685  |  jvhalbrooks@cceweb.net

Harrington Headshot

Ellen Burton Harrington | Professor and Chair  PUBLICATIONS

Specializes in British Victorian literature, detective and sensation fiction, and 19th century gender and colonial contexts.

HUMB 243  |  460-6146  |  eharrington@cceweb.net

Hillyer Headshot

Richard Hillyer | Professor  PUBLICATIONS

Specializes in Renaissance literature and poetry.

HUMB 278  |  460-6539  |  rhillyer@cceweb.net

Humphreys Headshot

Caleb Humphreys  | Instructor

Teaches composition and literature surveys.

HUMB 275  |  460-7968  |  chumphreys@cceweb.net

Jackson Headshot

Kern Jackson | Associate Professor  PUBLICATIONS

Director of the African American Studies Program. Specializes in African American and Southeastern United States folklore and oral narrative.

HUMB 276  |  460-6363  KEMjacks@cceweb.net

Johnson Headshot

Caleb Johnson | Assistant Professor  PUBLICATIONS

Specializes in fiction.

HUMB 256  |  460-7417  calebjohnson@cceweb.net

Lang Headshot

Maura Lang | Senior Instructor

Teaches composition and literature surveys.

HUMB 281  |  460-8198  |  mlang@cceweb.net

Lewis Headshot

Jacobie Lewis | Instructor

Teaches composition and literature surveys.

HUMB 251  |  460-7960  |  jlewis@cceweb.net

McLaughlin Headshot

Becky McLaughlin | Professor  PUBLICATIONS

Generalist with particular interests in psychoanalysis and sexuality.

HUMB 279  |  460-7991  |  bmclaugh@cceweb.net

O'Berry Headshot

Robert O'Berry | Instructor

Teaches composition and literature surveys.

HUMB 268  |  460-6744  |  oberry@cceweb.net

Owsley Headshot

Jessica Owsley | Senior Instructor

Teaches composition and literature surveys.

HUMB 259  |  460-6146  jessicasims@cceweb.net

Pence Headshot

Charlotte Pence | Associate Professor  PUBLICATIONS

Director of Creative Writing and Director of the Stokes Center for Creative Writing.  Specializes in poetry and creative nonfiction.

HUMB 277  |  460-6149  |  cpence@cceweb.net

Peterson Headshot

Karen Peterson | Senior Instructor

Teaches composition and literature surveys.

HUMB 263  |  460-6148 kpeterson@cceweb.net

Prince Headshot

Adam Prince | Stokes Visiting Writer

Specializes in fiction and screenwriting.

HUMB 351  |  460-7610  |  aprince@cceweb.net

Raczkowski Headshot

Christopher Raczkowski | Associate Professor  PUBLICATIONS

Specializes in post-Civil War American literature with an emphasis on modernism and crime.

HUMB 270  |  460-7550  |  raczkowski@cceweb.net

Raines Headshot

Ben Raines | Environmental Fellow and Writer in Residence

Specializes in environmental journalism.

HUMB 240 |  460-6146 |  braines@cceweb.net

Roddy Headshot

Lisa Roddy | Senior Instructor

Teaches composition and literature surveys.

HUMB 272  |  460-7940  lroddy@cceweb.net

Shaw Headshot

Patrick Shaw | Associate Professor  PUBLICATIONS

Director of Freshman Composition. Specializes in writing program administration, modern rhetorical theory, and the history of rhetoric.

HUMB 280  |  460-7972  pjshaw@cceweb.net

St. Clair Headshot

Justin St. Clair | Professor  PUBLICATIONS

Specializes in sound studies and contemporary fiction.

HUMB 262  |  460-7973  |  jmstclair@cceweb.net  |  soundculturestudies.net

Tallent Headshot

Hunter Tallent | Instructor

Teaches composition and literature surveys.

HUMB 268  |  460-6744  |  htallent@cceweb.net

Tucker Headshot

Cynthia Tucker | USA Journalist in Residence  PUBLICATIONS

Journalist and Pulitzer-Prize-winning commentator.

HUMB 216A |  460-8024  |  catucker@cceweb.net

Volf Headshot

Stephanie Volf | Instructor

Teaches composition and literature surveys.

HUMB 257  |  460-7956  |  stephanievolf@cceweb.net

Vrana Headshot

Laura Vrana | Associate Professor  PUBLICATIONS

Specializes in African American literature and poetry.

HUMB 254  |  460-6502  |  vrana@cceweb.net

Emeriti and Retired Faculty

Gaillard Headshot

Frye Gaillard | Former USA Writer in Residence  PUBLICATIONS

Specializes in Southern culture and history.

HUMB 218D  fgaillard@cceweb.net

Hollingsworth HeadshotCris Hollingsworth | Associate Professor Emeritus

A specialist in Victorian literature and the work of Lewis Carroll, Dr. Hollingsworth was a faculty member at the University of South Alabama from 2003 to 2022. He is the author of Poetics of the Hive: The Insect Metaphor in Literature (U Iowa, 2001) and the editor of Alice beyond Wonderland: Essays for the Twenty-first Century (U Iowa, 2009).

Walker HeadshotSue Brannan Walker | Professor Emerita

A noted poet, author, critic, and editor, Dr. Walker was a faculty member at the University of South Alabama from 1980 to 2015. In addition to founding and operating Negative Capability Press, Dr. Walker also served as chair of the Department of English from 1999 to 2008 and was Alabama's Poet Laureate from 2003 to 2012.